Saturday, December 18, 2004

Holiday time!

So looking back on the last few entries I've realized that I must seem like a pretty sorry specimen of twentysomething angst. I apologize for not focusing on the brighter side of things, but I guess the 'ol blog is my outlet for the stuff I'd rather not shout from the rooftops. In an attempt to balance the scales a little...

I just finished my last work shift of 2004! "But how," you ask "can you take such a long vacation? Aren't you an impoverished, starving meta-artist?"

Well, in fact you're right - my bank account is still drifting towards the rocks, I still eat the same bland, cheap stuff I ate in school (sadly, by choice), and I probably need as much exposure to the art form I propose to one day master that I can get.....BUT I have a blessed two-and-a-bit weeks with Caitlin beginning in, ooh...45.25 hours or so! Hooray! Expect little-to-no-posting for the duration.

Not only that, but the Xmas cards went out today! Now, this is pretty much the only redeeming feature of these holidays to me: You get a chance to (concealed in corny phrases like so much shiny wrapping) tell people how much you appreciate them without feeling like too much of an idiot. Not only that, but if your horrible attempts at writing your emotions in one high-pressure stream of counsciousness within the unforgiving limits of the card somehow go awry, it's okay because everyone knows Xmas cards are frivolous trinkets that 90% of the world use as an excuse to remind people not to forget them in their will, and therefore never suspect that you actually meant anything you put down! It's a win-win situation, mwa ha! For those whose addresses I don't know I say it now: Have a great Xmas and a very happy new year, because wonderful people like you deserve one if anybody does.

What else is great about being on holiday finally? The Xmas music is coming out! Yes now it's time to listen to such timeless classics as Easy E's "Merry Muthafuckin' Christmas," TLC's "Sleigh Ride," and my personal favourite: Bad Religion's live version of "Silent Night."

Time to plug in the lights, hope they a) work and b) don't start a fire, kick back with a seriously alcoholic hot chocolate made by an amazing American girl, and relax.

Happy Holidays Everyone.


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