Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I can't sleep. I'm not sure if this is due to any or all of the following:

•Angst about pending grad school applications
•My subsequent future in the USSA
•The upcoming festival I'm TDing and the requisite meeting-o-rama tomorrow
•The fact that I ate dinner at about 11:30pm
•My sore shin that was brutalized by the Chan Centre loading dock earlier today
•The fact that we now have a gay-marriage-hating, gun-loving, Kyoto-snubbing, abortion-banning, bible-thumping new minority government

But on the up-side, my restlessness has finally forced me to post - sorry to those who might have wanted to hear anything about my show, the holidays, or anything else that occurred in the past month.

I'm really forcing myself to not rant about Stephen Harper. I'm awake but I'm tired...I don't think I have it in me to give it the effort it needs. But I'm worried. I don't want my country's moral compass to shift as far to the right as I think it will in the next (it pains me to say this) four years. I only hope the rest of the house holds them back from doing anything too insane. I also hope Layton has the balls to admit that he is not the leader for a new, strong NDP, and lets someone under 45 (who can mobilize the young people in this country who are sick of another generation's outdated bullshit agendas) have a shot at leadership of the party. Okay, rant over. For now.

I suppose the positive aspect of this is that I'm feeling a little less sentimental about leaving Canada in the spring. Although Harper is far from Bush, I guess. Much like Mulroney was far from being Pappy Bush. This song seems particularly appropriate to me right now.

Yep, generally discontent. With a little of everything. I'm sure it will settle down (or settle in, or just settle) soon.


Blogger Mike said...

My friend Derek has a theory that Harper will behave himself for the first few years, in the hopes of leading a Tory majority in a second term, and then....whammo. No more abortion, missiles in the Arctic, all gays sent to Nunavut and a bible in every school desk. I'd laugh if I really believed it couldn't happen.

2:02 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

Oh, and regarding the CBC: I'm in a state of constant fear about the CBC being axed or gutted. I think (hope) nothing would really happen until after the olympics, but that might just be naive. If they've suffered this much under a relatively benign Liberal government who knows what it will be like once the Tories smell blood in the water?

2:05 AM  

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