Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Holy shit it's been a crazy month. Sorry, I just don't know how to sum that up any better.

I have a new apartment, or I will June 1 which is what's important. Since I couldn't pick up the lease for my current place from Caitlin I had to dive into the nasty world of NYC real estate again. The place I found was just around the corner from my current place, only 3 blocks away. I'm a little worried about it, but I think I would be about any new place and at least this way I know the neighbourhood already. Plus the new place is literally down the road from the local police and fire stations, which is comforting.

Both my mom and uncle are in town right now, and I'm feeling slightly guilty that I don't have a lot of time for them. Next week should be better, though.

Caitlin and I, after a lot of stress surrounding the division of stuff and this apartment thing, have finally managed to have a normal conversation. I'm going to miss being with her a lot; she's been with me for so long and through so much. But it's looking like we can be friends which is great. She's going away for the summer, and I hope that the distance will give us an oportunity to redefine ourselves as friends - I know for me it's been hard not talking and knowing she's not far away.

And I started a job this week! 9-5 M-F: I'm kind of excited at that prospect. Maybe I'll actually see some friends in the city this summer!

Overall, things seem to be looking up, although there's still a little internal turmoil on my part. There's a part of me that's just downright scared about being on my own here, but I also know it's going to be exciting...


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