Sunday, July 15, 2007

on leaving home...again

I'm sitting in the Calgary international terminal, waiting for my flight to board. On out flight into Calgary we were delayed by a thunderstorm over the city, which we were able to watch from the air - an incredible experience, which was followed by one of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen. Of course I'd stowed my camera up above, so I couldn't document either of these, grrr. I guess it will have to live on in my memory alone, unless I get much better at painting. I keep meaning to draw and paint, and somehow never get to it. Perhaps that's reason for a summertime resolution.

I think coming back home was good, but it was even harder to leave this time. I guess now that I'm able to assess a lot of the pros and cons of NYC and Vancouver, it's frustrating to leave the city I think I took too much for granted while I was here. You Vancouverites are so lucky, I hope you remember that every day.

That's not to say I'm not excited about heading back to "The City," but I guess I just want to be able to take the parts of Vancouver I love (mountains, clean air, general courtesy) and meld it with New York's finer points (enormous arts scene, incredible fine arts and research resources, 24 hour transit and restaurants).

I already miss how comfortable I feel in Vancouver, and how safe I feel even in the "bad" parts of town. I worry that Vancouver may turn into a big dirty city like the one I'm heading to while I'm away, and while I don't think it's terribly rational it's still a worry.

I felt so apprehensive when I made this trip last year, and now all I feel is a sort of anticipation that's almost devoid of emotion. I guess it's an excitement but not a raw feeling, and maybe that's because I don't know really what to feel when I arrive. What is waiting for me there? Last year it was a new city with many many unknowns, a new life, and a person I cared really deeply about. Now it's a long subway ride, an apartment, a job that starts up again on Tuesday and another year of intense work. And a whole new perspective. Perhaps the way I'm feeling is a defense mechanism: I'm trying not to let my feelings for home get to me. That's probably true, but I wish I could reconcile that, so I could move on. I guess that I admittedly have given myself a very short time to do that - I suppose I know that if I wait it will all fade.

I took some pictures of home; I hadn't realised how few pictures I'd taken before I left. I'll try to post some soon. And, funnily enough, need to remind myself to take more pictures of my new home when I get back.

Something more wistful and fond will follow, don't worry. :)


Blogger Raising Them Jewish said...

Wistful and fond...? I think I'd prefer honest and you...hehe.

I've never been to Vancouver. You certainly do make it sound like quite the place.

While NY may not hold everything it did the last time you took the trip, try to remember that it's where you need to be "right now" You'll get through all of this!

I'm glad to see you write- there far to much time between entries for most of the people I tend to be trying to keep up with!

11:44 AM  

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